Empty bowls fill up for charity

Ninth annual Empty Bowls Luncheon


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Over a hundred empty bowls lined the table at the ninth annual Empty Bowls Luncheon on Nov. 4, ready to be filled with hot soup and chili.

The Empty Bowls Luncheon has been an ongoing event on the Meramec campus for nine years.

Donations from this event benefit Operation Food Search, a local food bank and the Brown Bag Café on campus for students in need.

“Empty Bowls is a national program to help support hungry people,” Service Learning Coordinator Debbie Corson said. “Some places serve just soup and bread, we have soup, bread, salad, desert and a bunch of it was donated.”

Meramec Professor Anne Wessely made a generous salad and bread donation, Corson said. Jeff Hsu has been in charge of the blue donation barrels which are located in hallways and rooms around campus. A couple of professors also brought their classes to the luncheon. Assistant Professor Mike Swoboda had his students create the poster and Associate Professor Jim Ibur, along with his students, made around a hundred ceramic bowls to be taken away from the event.

“More and more people have come to the event, and this year for the first time we gave a student price of only $5,” Corson said. Since 2006, the Empty Bowls Luncheon has helped feed hundreds of students.

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