UMSL and STLCC Art Faculty Exhibit // Feb. 27-March 28
Production Manager

STLCC-Meramec is currently hosting the semi-regular “Colleagues” exhibit featuring full-time faculty from STLCC locations and University of Missouri-St. Louis.
The exhibit features approximately 35 faculty members in different types of mediums. Some mediums include; printmaking, sculpture, drawing and photography.
“We want to show as a district our collaboration with the University of Missouri-St. Louis, [which] is the school that we have an articulation agreement with, that all the faculty are really involved in the mediums [and] that they explore and teach,” David Hanlon, professor and co-curator of the event, said. “It’s an opportunity for us to see the new work that people are doing and students being able to know something about what their instructors projects are.”
The exhibit has been semi-regular for about 15 years. It is an exhibit that focuses on showing the works of faculty across the district as opposed to just Meramec faculty and students, according to Hanlon.
“It’s just a terrific opportunity to have a place to show the work from really talented artists that are teachers that work with students every day in different parts of the county and city,” Hanlon said. “We are honored to be able to host the exhibit this year and we’ll look forward to having another exhibit probably in another couple years when we’ll probably show it in the other venues, at one of the other schools.”
Margaret Keller, professor of art, also helped organize the event. Keller and Hanlon run the gallery.
“I think [I enjoy] just seeing the work that the other faculty have done lately and also there are faculty I don’t know because they’re newer and I’ve actually never seen their work or met them,” Keller said. “This is a good show to come to, both for me and students because you can kind of see what other faculty do. We do have a lot of students that transfer to UMSL and this way they can kind of look at the professors.”
According to Hanlon, the show reflects what new things instructors are doing as well.
“The instructors that they work with every day are really excited about exploring new ideas, the materials they have been working with for a long time and also trying new ideas they are showing the work that they are presently engaged in,” Hanlon said.