Student Governance Council and Student Activities Council plan events for new academic year.

By: Kurt Oberreither
– News Editor –
The STLCC-Meramec Student Governance Council (SGC) and Student Activities Council (SAC) have events planned for this school year to interest students outside of the classroom.
“We want to get people engaged and have them want to come to school,” SAC member Corrine Bell said.
Student Governance Council President Mark Wilson said he’s excited to work with the other campuses. He was a representative during the 2010-2011 school year and ran for president because he was involved in and attended conferences.
“I was thrilled and I look forward to it—and I’m also looking forward to a lot of hard work,” Wilson said. “I think we are going to have a good year.”
SGC primarily represents the students in campus decisions but also participates in campus events. Wilson said he looks forward to working with SAC and attending events like Make a Difference Day, a national day of service. The Service Learning department is recruiting the help of students
A few events SAC and SGC have planned together are Oktoberfest, Battle of the Bands and Springfest.
Public Representative Tim Potthoff has never been involved in school government but said he is excited to gain experience and learn from other members. He said he would like to work with SAC to improve Friday Movie Nights by providing a more “cerebral” experience.
On Aug. 26, SGC will hold First Friday, an event to invite students to get to know one another and their campus.
“It’s going to be a tremendous event to start the school year. Hopefully Meramec will see that it’s a place where they can meet, talk outside of school and have fun,” Steve Brady, campus life manager, said.
From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. students can participate in events ranging from tarot card reading to face painting to a performance from the Battle of the Bands winner Blue Bottom Boat Blues Band.
Bell said she got involved because two of her friends were involved and that they are like a “big family.” Bell said there is much planning and preparation for an event to be put on.
“We have to design the banners and put them all out, the a-frames, everything,” Bell said.
Bell said the council rewrote their constitution changing some events for the year
SAC has five members currently, but Bell said they are not an intimidating group and new members are welcome. “I’m excited to get out there and get more members. Everyone who’s in the club is good friends. It’s like a tiny little family. We love having new people come in,” Bell said.