STLCC-Florissant Valley to Serve as First Mass Vaccination Site in St. Louis County
St. Louis Community College is partnering with the St. Louis County Department of Public Health to conduct the county’s first community mass vaccination site at STLCC- Florissant Valley.
Vaccinations will take place in the campus gymnasium, located at 3400 Pershall Road in Ferguson, at a time and date to be determined.
Vaccinations are currently not available; however, when they become available, the site will quickly become operational.
Individuals must have a scheduled appointment.
The vaccination site is not a drive- up or drop-in location. The College will not schedule vaccines for community members, employees or students. The St. Louis County Department of Public Health will have an online scheduling system for people who are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Details will be online.
February is African American History Month
STLCC has several events planned for African American History Month in February across the district. Events include a visual and literary display in the library at STLCC-Forest Park, a conversation focused on mental health and wellness in the African American community and a live virtual stream of the ZuZu African Acrobats. Check out stlcc.edu/aahm for a complete list of all events.
Technology for Students at STLCC Libraries
STLCC libraries now have webcams, headsets with microphones and hotspots for students to checkout for short-term periods. Webcams and headsets are available for typically 14 days. Hotspots are available for typically 21 days. Students must complete a Student Request Form at https://stlcc.libwizard.com/f/student- request and pick up the items at a campus library.
Meramec Students Place in 100 Neediest Cases Art Contest
Four art students from St. Louis Community College-Meramec placed in the 100 Neediest Cases art contest sponsored by the United Way and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Illustration students Kari Jo Moore, Tim Wu, Israel Binder and Olivia Shoemake all placed in the top 40 of the competition, which means their work will be published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
The art contest is an arm of the 100 Neediest Cases charitable campaign, which assists hundreds of needy families in the St. Louis area during the holiday season.
The contest invites high school and college-level artists to submit artwork depicting the sick, poor, disabled, homeless or any other variety of citizens in need. Hundreds of area students submit to the contest every year.
Counseling Available to STLCC Students
The pandemic has brought fundamental changes to society. The Counseling Office knows that mental health concerns have increased with a move to an online environment for classes. Counseling faculty at STLCC- Meramec are available to consult and counsel students.
The STLCC Counseling Department is available to remotely assist students with non-emergency mental health concerns, either by phone or video conferencing. If you are already working with a counselor, you can email them directly for an appointment if you prefer.
For more information, please learn more about counseling services at https://stlcc.edu/student-support/ counseling/.