Three candidates for vice president of student affairs at STLCC-Meramec address the campus at open forums June 1-2.
By: Kurt Oberreither -News Editor-
By: Joe Douglas -Editor-in-Chief Emeritus-
STLCC-Meramec faculty, staff, and students had a chance to meet, greet and ask questions of the three candidates for Meramec’s vice president of student affairs position.
On Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and Thursday at 10:30 a.m. in the Meramec Student Center, Keith Branham, Ed.D., Lin Crawford and Michael Reed each had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with faces around the school. Attendees inquired into issues ranging from discipline to service learning. Open forums were separated by screenings performed by the campus screening committee on each candidate.
Keith Branham, candidate to become the new Vice President of Student Affairs, addresses the crowd during a forum held in SC 201 on June 1. A forum was held for each candidate to allow students, faculty and the public to ask questions. | KURT OBERREITHER
Areas the VPSA manages include advising, athletics, counseling and financial aid.
Keith Branham
Branham is vice chancellor of student affairs at Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana and has worked in student affairs for 20 years. He said it’s important that the college offers support systems and learning opportunities for people who don’t “have it any other way.”
“I’m going to do everything I can to work with the academic side to make sure students are achieving,” Branham said.
Branham earned his educational doctorate in educational leadership from University of Central Florida and a master of divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary.
Branham said a positive aspect of the position is being able to compromise with faculty. “They’re all in it for the same reason,” Branham said. “They want to help students.”
Lin Crawford
In-house candidate Linden Crawford is currently serving as Meramec’s interim VPSA. Crawford has worked at Meramec for more than 20 years working as a counselor and faculty chair. Furthermore, she has worked closely with the Achieving the Dream initiative during her term.
Crawford said an important quality of being a leader is having the ability to help people rise to their potential.
Lin Crawford, interim Vice President of Student Affairs, answers questions from the crowd during a forum held in SC 201 on June 1. The forums were held from June 1-2 to select a permanent candidate for the position. | HANS STEINERT
“Key elements of leadership are the ability to see strengths and weaknesses in staff and students, help people challenge themselves, and the ability to inspire and encourage,” Crawford said.
According to Crawford, the financial aid process could be improved by increasing people’s awareness of their responsibilities and establishing better communication with students.
Michael Reed
Michael Reed has worked as chief operating officer at Southwestern Illinois College-Red Bud for approximately 20 years. He has administrative and employment background at East Central College, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and Ohio University.
Michael Reed, candidate to become the new Vice President of Student Affairs, answers questions from the crowd during a forum held in SC 201 on June 2. The forums were held from June 1-2 to select a permanent candidate for the position. | MIKE ZIEGLER
Reed said Meramec VPSA is a “very desirable position” because Meramec shows maturity through improving programs like Achieving the Dream. “Student success is key and this campus exemplifies that,” Reed said.
While at SWIC, Reed said he improved student services by creating student success centers which tutor and help improve student skills like note taking.