The art of lovemaking and all things involved in it is a beautiful thing. Adult Content explores sexuality and all it’s endeavors.

Jacob Hight
– Graphics Editor –
This is the last edition of “Adult Content.” It has been an adventure writing it and hopefully it has been an adventure reading it.
Sex, while just another facet of life, should be a sanctuary. Just as bed covers ward off imaginary boogeymen during childhood, in adulthood, real life monsters of social expectations, judgments and labels should not be able to penetrate the bed sheets of two lovers.
Making love is more than letting our psyches fly higher and higher on the wings of our partner’s erotic libido. The physical aspect is such a terribly insignificant part of it.
The love and humanity unchained during lovemaking can be sustained and cultivated. Harvesting this heart can bless everyday life, and can even benefit how we interact with and treat other people. Ultimately, our sex can be used to benefit the world.
All the world’s a bedroom and all the men and women are lovers.
It is our hearts, not our bodies that are our greatest gift to each other. It is our hearts, not our bodies that we need the most. We have such extraordinary power to do good, to make the world a better place.
Happiness is what we feel when we love. The more we love, the happier we are and the happier others are. We have the power to see every being as our soul mate.
The notion of a soul mate, while romantic, is most likely a misunderstood or completely false concept. Whether true or not, believing there is only one perfect person for each lover, or that there even is such a thing as a perfect partner, perhaps causes more suffering than it alleviates.
The love, security and acceptance we offer our partners is something we can offer everyone. All beings are lovable; it is only the limitations of a lover’s heart that gives the illusion of being unlovable.
Love does not blind the heart. It sees something underneath, something more important, more precious than social expectations, labels and judgments. The heart has the power to see human divinity and frailty and know they are not enemies.
But, our heart is blinded by arrogance, bigotry, judgment and indifference. The most pitiful and bitterly selfish way to see others is to believe what happens to them is of no consequence because we’re not that person.
As we grow older, we see the benefits of fitting in and the consequences of social independence. Others’ judgments, labels, and opinions constantly bombard us, but these words and thoughts are not just phantoms. They are the actions and choices of others, also our own when we fall prey to indifference and become a part of the mob.
Without sacrificing the discernment of what is beneficial or harmful for ourselves, we should disarm our graceless judgments and labels. These gratuitous indulgences in subjective reality blight the face of our spirit like blemishes and boils. How beautiful the bright smiling face beneath.
Each word we speak, every action we take is magic, and it does change the world, for better or worse. Nothing is negligible. Until next time… make love.