America kicks ass: Camouflage

Kavahn explores what makes America kick ass.

Kavahn Mansouri - Art & Life Editor -

Kavahn Mansouri

Found on hats, hoodies, flags, cars, airplanes and anything else imaginable, camouflage has taken America by storm. Even though no one could visibly see it happening, camouflage snuck past America’s eyesight into stardom while under a pile of leaves.

Such a fashionable trend could only hide itself for so long until it was caught.

Camouflage is American in every sense of the word. It is sneaky, while being eye-catching, demands respect from fellow wearers and allows people to easily hunt prey, in urban or wooded environments. So what is not to like about it –it gives people what plaid and solid colors could never do.

Camouflage says so much without saying anything at all and that is what America is all about. Being an American means you can walk into a cafe in Paris and people will automatically know you are the big boss of something. Being American means you can have a sweet flag in front of your house, on top of a cellphone tower and anywhere else you see fit and not have to explain to anyone as to why. In a lot of ways camouflage is for true American spirits… pioneers and captains of industry.

First used by the British in 1857, camouflage has been used as a fantastic way to trick enemies and deceive the opposing armies. Now, as enemies blindly walk into battles, awesome American soldiers hide in awesome camouflage waiting to jump out of the terrain. So as you can see, camouflage not only has fashion uses, but also in a tactical manner.

Prior to reading, I hope readers go out and buy something camouflage, not just because they feel like they need to go hunting, hide in the trees from enemies or pose as a talking pile of leaves but so they can feel what it is like to be outrageously American.

While they are at it, they might as well head down to the local Buchheit store pick up some John Deere attire, I hear that this fall’s line is so totally in.