America Kicks Ass is the finest column around when it comes to appreciating the little things in life that are American, and also kick ass. The column covers a variety of American creations through a overflowing waterfall of patriotic sentiment.

Kavahn Mansouri
– Arts & Life Editor –
One of the most important parts of American culture is the fact that Europeans absolutely despise us. It’s one of the great satisfactions of being an American. Doesn’t it make sense that every morning you can wake up and say, “man I am American and anything anyone else says is irrelevant, especially anyone who doesn’t live in the United States of America.”
What Europeans don’t realize is that Americans are far too busy eating kickass meals and doing kickass activities. What do we care that you don’t like the way we dress, think we aren’t as cool and hip as they are, and think we make too brash of decisions? Well Europe the message should be clear, we are Americans and if we want to drive a monster truck into a mini-mall, we will do exactly that.
“Don’t tread on me” is a famous American saying made popular in the Revolutionary War. Today, Americans can take this saying to heart when they hear about those Europeans hating on Americans. Just take a deep breath and say “yeah that is right, I am wearing a sleeveless American flag shirt and jean shorts. Don’t tread on me for looking kickass man.”