America Kicks Ass is the finest column around when it comes to appreciating the little things in life that are American, and also kick ass. The column covers a variety of American creations through a overflowing waterfall of patriotic sentiment.

Kavahn Mansouri
– Arts & Life Editor –
America is all about knowing where to go, but in this world of winding highways and four-way intersections, sometimes the road ahead can be unclear. Therefore, the traffic cone should be on the kick ass american list.
Back in 1914, this awesome guy Charles P. Rudebaker made a startling discovery: people often don’t know what to do when the road ends with two roads branching off into mysterious locations. Hence the traffic cone was invented.
Although a small object, often overlooked, the traffic cone deserves its spot on our list, not only because it keeps American people safe, but also because the traffic cone is everything America is about. Safety, direction and a sense of knowing, “I’m on the road to success.”
Often found on the sides of roads, ran over and smashed to oblivion, traffic cones are mistreated and taken for granted. An unfortunate fact, but true…It’s a sad fact that some amazing American symbols are treated like pieces of garbage. (See Monster Trucks)
So next time, move the steering wheel a tad to the left or right, and guide that car away from the poor traffic cones of America, because that little guy is doing America a huge favor by sitting on the side of the road.