Writer Spencer Gleason explores the history of the STLCC men’s basketball program

Editor in Chief
It has taken nearly three years to the day, since the last STLCC men’s basketball program entered the NJCAA National Tournament.
As the 2013-14 Archers head into the NJCAA Tournament and jump into the history books, previous men’s basketball programs at Meramec have helped played a part in this year’s success.
The Archers (20-10), led by Head Coach Randy Reed, have paved their way with a flare, scoring with ally-oops and slam-dunks, while averaging 85.6 points per game (p.p.g.).
Ten of those 20 wins saw the Archers break the 90-point plateau, with four exceeding 110 points or more.
Their predecessor, the now defunct Meramec Magic, managed by NJCAA Hall of Famer Randy Albrecht, battled their way into nationals following the 2010-11 season more workman-like, averaging 76.7 p.p.g. in 32 games leading up to the NJCAA Tournament.
Entering the 2011 tournament at 26-5, the Magic only broke 90 points six times, while breaking the 110-point barrier once.
Both styles find a way to sink their shots. Not one style is greater than the other. Although, they are two different Randys, both are successful.
As the Archers tournament play nears their first game is against three-seeded Des Moines Area Community College.
Experience in close scoring games will play a role. The Archers were 6-3 in games decided by 10 points or fewer.
In 2011, when Albrecht’s Magic won seventh place in the nation, Meramec went 11-4 in games of 10 points or fewer. The familiarity of close-knit games came in handy, as the difference of all four of Meramec’s NJCAA Tournament games were held within ten points.
Although the Reed’s Archers may be flashier around the rim, they only have Albrecht’s family to thank.
His uncle’s invention has helped give the Archers that extra bounce. He designed the basketball hoop, which allows players to dunk.