Reality Check: Normality

What is Normal Anyway?

By: Nikita Karre
Staff Writer

It is amazing how no matter what, we are never normal. What is normal anyway? Why do people choose to describe the complexity of normality? The things that we choose to do are the things that help change other people’s point of view. What I think normality is can be drastically different from what other people think it is. It does not matter what we look like, it does not matter what we choose. What matters is if we choose to present ourselves through our own character. When does the bird fly to a more interesting point of sight? How can we, as humans even have the ability to choose what we think is “normal?” The answer is that we cannot. We do not really have that choice ever; we just decide to think. It is something unnatural to think normally, yet we do that every day, every second, every millennium.

Even more, with just personal experience, I have had people ask why I do what I do, why I dress the way I dress or why I act the way I do. Funny how most people say “am” rather than “can.” That is exactly the point. Just remember, who you are, that it is your “am”. What you do and express, that is your “can.” So live to the fullest—live to can—instead of “am.” When will it end?