Taking a positive step forward

The beauty of the Pursuit of Happiness is that no matter who you are, where you live, what you know, when you were born, or who you love, you can be happy. True happiness is above the five W’s and so are you. Learn how to find happiness in the good and bad times of life. Believe it. Read it. Be happy.

Joe Douglas
– Editor-in-Chief –

Joe Douglas, Editor-in-Chief


Finding happiness is something for which we wish to give ourselves credit. It’s a reward for hard work and patience. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. Pat yourself on the back for having a good day because you were in some way involved.

But remember it’s also important to give credit to the people around you – your friends, your family, your co-workers, your pet, your boss, anyone or anything that has a positive influence on your life.

Think of the last time someone asked how your day was going. That person’s attention was on you and what you had to say. It made you a little happier or a little less stressed. What about the last time someone told you “Good job” or “You did alright” with a smile on his or her face and a light-hearted tone? It felt pretty good, didn’t it?

These people who positively influence us by making us happy are also elements in finding happiness. The key is to surround yourself with these positive people, these positive influences that treat you with kindness and respect. They ask you about your day, invite you to special events, and laugh with you. It’s the little things that remind us that we’re not alone and we’re cared about.

D. is a student here at Meramec who faces daily physical handicaps. She often experiences mild panic attacks, or dizziness when climbing stairs, sometimes stopping midway to regain balance or even climbing back down the stairs to take the elevator.

Even though she must face these handicaps regularly, she said she doesn’t let it stop her from enjoying life and learning. She is a member of numerous clubs including the Outdoors Club and the International Club, and says being involved in these activities has made all the difference.

“I think what made the most difference is finding people that liked me for who I am,” D. said.

It’s a brand new school year. This is the best time to look for these positive influences and make them a part of your life.

Join clubs, make friends, and get to know your professors. Being surrounded by these positive influences will make school more enjoyable and it will develop a system of support for those not-so-good days.

Lastly, try to spend the next week or two being the one to ask about someone’s day and thanking the people around you for asking about yours. Be courteous and supportive of other people. Soon enough people will begin to see you as a positive influence.

Observe it. Introduce it. Be happy.