Wonders of the weird; Zombie Survival

Ever wondered if the military took the whole hoopla of the zombie apocalypse seriously; if they thought it was more than just a fluke?






By: Endya Goliday

-Staff Writer-


Ever wondered if the military took the whole hoopla of the zombie apocalypse seriously; if they thought it was more than just a fluke? Well, military personnel in California have, resulting in a 44-acre training site in San Diego that will be converted into a mock battleground in preparation for a possible zombie apocalypse. The San Diego-based HALO Corporation will offer extensive exercises on how to kill zombies (who are actually actors) as part of its five-day Counter-Terrorism Summit. It will include hands-on demonstrations, lectures and classes for more than 1,000 students of police officers, medical workers and government employees.

Now, I am sure some of us have asked ourselves what we would do if there ever was a zombie apocalypse. Personally, I hope that I would just magically turn into Rambo. I would defend myself with the 200+ guns conveniently left underneath my house by the previous owner. While my plan is in good humor, corporations and the military are beginning to hold zombie conventions in order to train individuals on how to protect themselves from becoming dinner to brain-dead, flesh-eating, nasty bastards. This takes things to a whole new level.

What if the zombie apocalypse never comes? The millions of dollars  shelled out for training, weaponry and chaos will plague those unable to see their favorite video games and movies come to life. They will never see zombies running around, waiting to be blown away and hunted down until the hearts of their human foe are content. Utter heartbreak. Imagine watching our military,  neighbors, friends and relatives prepare for battle against zombies. Anxiety and frustration will build and build over idle use of all that training. They will never be able to put that specific trick on how to kill a zombie with a napkin to use.

For everyone’s sake I say, when it is all said and done, people will get all up in arms and excited about training to be zombie killers, therefore make sure an apocalypse is truly in the cards.