For the Love of the Game: Thoughts on Pujols’ Contract Negotiations: Part Two
From college to professional, from baseball to basketball and everything in between, “For the Love of the Game” is an opinionated look at sports throughout the nation and in the St. Louis area. This twice-monthly column discusses topics pertaining to the phenomenon of sports and what they mean to the writer.
Television band The Blanks to perform on campus
The Blanks, ‘Scrubs’ band, put on free show at STLCC-Meramec
Alumnus James Landro directs Zhu Zhu commercial
STLCC Alumnus changes career path, directs Zhu Zhu commercial
Unions don’t mean what they used to mean
The purpose of this column is to make the reader aware of current events in politics and media and to explain the facts from both sides to get a real picture of the argument instead of having message skewed through mainstream media. This is one man trying to relate to college students the hot issues…