SportsGone Floatin’ admin12 years ago12 years ago01 mins Camping and Floating at Meramec for credit Members of the Camping and Floating class at Meramec canoe down Sampson Lake during their weekend trip April 20-21. Sampson Lake is located in Richwood, Mo., 59 miles away from the Meramec campus. Students spent the weekend canoeing and camping at Greenfield Campground. The course is taught by Physical Education Instructor Colin Maag. At the end of the weekend, Maag helped the students understand all the ins and outs of being in the wilderness. Student Erin Kiely said she enjoyed the class this semester. "We had such an awesome group of people," Kiely said. "The ending helped wrap things up." | PHOTO: Cory Muehlebach Post navigation Previous: ‘Dr. McD’ retires after 41 yearsNext: John Bul Dau speaks on his journey to U.S.