Heavy Lifting

Weight training student shares inspiration and motivation with others 

weight liftingBy: JONAH DURBIN
Staff Writer

When students sign up to take a weight training class, they don’t expect to see a 60-year-old man pumping the iron just as much as the next guy, but that’s exactly what Joop Arends does.

Arends said he has been weight training since 2012.

“Weight training forces you to do stuff that you might not necessarily like to do initially, but that is potentially good for you,” Arends said. “In my case, I was looking for something that I hadn’t done before to be active.”

Arends began weight training when a neighbor suggested it, he said.

“The idea was to use the buddy system, because when you have somebody with you, you are more likely to do it,” Arends said.

Over the past year, Arends said he has added volleyball along with weight training to stay in shape while taking classes.

“I walk because I’m an asthmatic and I bike and do yard work,” he said.

Arends can be found in the Meramec weight room offering words of encouragement to fellow students.

“I try to help them when I have an idea; I’m not just talking bologna,” Arends said. “Someone can be helped especially if it’s primarily related to a potential risk of someone injuring themselves.”

Arends said students have to pay attention to avoid injury and need to find their passion to enjoy life.

“If you want to live out the rest of your life in a halfway pleasant manner, you have to do something about it,” Arends said.