STLCC alumni

Freese Frame
St. Louis Cardinal third baseman David Freese waves to the tens of thousands of Cardinal fans during the World Series victory parade on Sunday, Oct. 30
Unfinished business: Alumnus David Peterka returns to Africa more than a year after the fliming of ‘Give A Damn’
Peterka returned to Africa to work on a new project called “When The Saints,” a now profit organization pushing “to challenge the church to rise to its potential in the fight against global injustice.”
Alumnus James Landro directs Zhu Zhu commercial
STLCC Alumnus changes career path, directs Zhu Zhu commercial
On the air with Moe
Meramec graduate hosts radio show while reviving St. Louis’ punk rock scene.
Smith sets sights on playing ball in Motown
Former Magic baseball player Les Smith plays minor league baseball for the Detroit Tigers
How Michael Cooper got his cookie
An STLCC-Meramec alumnus finally reaps the rewards of his education