Close out your holiday by testing your knowledge with questions prepared by reporter Emily Weber.
- Which of the following was NOT served at the first Thanksgiving?
- Duck
- Turkey
- Venison
- When was the first Thanksgiving NFL game?
- 1924
- 1930
- 1934
- In what year did the first Macy’s Parade take place?
- 1924
- 1934
- 1944
- Which type of apple is used traditionally in apple pie?
- Honey Crisp
- Granny Smith
- Red Delicious
- Which NFL teams have played every Thanksgiving since 1978?
- The Lions and The Cowboys
- The Lions and The Tigers
- The Lions and The Steelers
- The term “Cornucopia” means what?
- Tall corn
- Greek God of Corn
- Horn of Plenty
- A traditional New England relish
- Which state produces the most turkeys?
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Texas
- Minnesota
- Baby turkeys are called what?
- Chicks
- Poults
- Tommies
- They don’t have a name for them
- In what year was the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade first broadcast in color?
- 1955
- 1960
- 1968
- 1972
- Which southern state was the first to adopt a Thanksgiving Day in 1855
- South Carolina
- Virginia
- Georgia