Thanksgiving Day Trivia

Close out your holiday by testing your knowledge with questions prepared by reporter Emily Weber.

  1. Which of the following was NOT served at the first Thanksgiving?
    1. Duck
    2. Turkey
    3. Venison
  2. When was the first Thanksgiving NFL game?
    1. 1924
    2. 1930
    3. 1934
  3. In what year did the first Macy’s Parade take place?
    1. 1924
    2. 1934
    3. 1944
  4. Which type of apple is used traditionally in apple pie?
    1. Honey Crisp
    2. Granny Smith
    3. Red Delicious
  5. Which NFL teams have played every Thanksgiving since 1978?
    1. The Lions and The Cowboys
    2. The Lions and The Tigers
    3. The Lions and The Steelers
  6. The term “Cornucopia” means what?
    1. Tall corn
    2. Greek God of Corn
    3. Horn of Plenty
    4. A traditional New England relish
  7. Which state produces the most turkeys?
    1. North Carolina
    2. North Dakota
    3. Texas
    4. Minnesota
  8. Baby turkeys are called what?
    1. Chicks
    2. Poults
    3. Tommies
    4. They don’t have a name for them
  9. In what year was the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade first broadcast in color?
    1. 1955
    2. 1960
    3. 1968
    4. 1972
  10. Which southern state was the first to adopt a Thanksgiving Day in 1855
    1. South Carolina
    2. Virginia
    3. Georgia
1) Turkey 2) 1934 3) 1924 4) Granny Smith 5) The Lions and The Cowboys 6) Horn of Plenty 7) North Carolina 8) Poults 9) 1960 10) Virginia